About Isolationship.TV

The Web Series

Isolationship.TV is a fantasy sitcom about playfully (but also seriously) competitive couple tackling the emotional challenges of unexpectedly living together during the pandemic. In March 2020, the world was hit by the corona-virus known as COVID-19. Society is at a standstill while residents are forced to stay home indefinitely. Our relatively-new couple, Lenae and Mitch, have no choice but to learn how to navigate being trapped together. Every day. All day.  


How It Was Made

Isolationship was shot entirely on a smartphone. There’s no crew, no lighting, no boom mics, or any kind of professional equipment. Everything was put together using household items (after episode 1 we ordered a phone stand). Editing, effects, and music were developed using out of date software.


The Creators

Shawntia Key and Kerry Allen were inspired to develop a creative outlet to make social distancing more tolerable. After brainstorming a slew of ideas, they decided a web series would make the perfect first project. Isolationship is loosely based on truth to create a relatable form of entertainment. After writing a few episodes, they started filming. Filming turned to editing. Editing brought on new ideas, which eventually led to logo design, social media development, and launching a website.

Contact Us

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But honestly, we just threw this together to help us get through the quarantine so we can’t make any promises.